Verified Verified

Praveen Kumar

Pastor, Artist, Lyricist · 5479 Viewers
Founder & Pastor of Calvary Ministries

About Praveen Kumar

Reddimalla Praveen Ratna Kumar (15 May 1971)
Journey from SIN to SANCTITY through SALVATION

Pastor Praveen Kumar hails from a traditional Christian family with a legacy of grandfather, Late Rt. Rev. Reddimalla Gnana Ratnam being the Bishop of Dornakal Diocese of Church of South India and father, Mr. R E Alexander, Mining Officer in Singareni Colleries Company. Both the parents Mrs.R Lee Elizabeth Alexander and Mr. Alexander enjoyed a respectable status in Bellampalli while the only son Praveen Kumar despite his traditional background was drawn to the worldly attractions led a lecherous life as is common to any young man born in opulence. On completion of his graduation in Computer Science from Wesley’s College, Secunderabad, Praveen Kumar became a nuisance to society in Bellampalli with boisterous friends hanging around parks, playgrounds and clubs and after several warnings from the revolutionary agencies dominant in that region at that point of time, was kidnapped and beaten blue and black.

Escaping their custody, Praveen Kumar took a train to Hyderabad to save his life. Hunger, homelessness and poverty struck him as none of relatives was willing to give him shelter. Striving on two bananas and water, failure on all fronts led to suicidal tendency. Failing even to commit suicide, Praveen Kumar attended a gospel meeting conducted by Bro. BVD Joshi of Viswavani Ministries in SPG Grounds, Secunderabad on 23rd January 1993, with focus on the food that was served after the meeting and least inclination to know Jesus. Man proposes but God disposes.

Though Praveen Kumar eyed food, God eyed Praveen Kumar. The spiritual vacuum was filled by the calling of the Holy Spirit when Praveen Kumar responded and received Jesus Christ as Saviour and Sovereign Lord by confessing his sins at 9.15 pm. Bro. Praveen Kumar made a plea to god that if god lifts from that pit, he would serve and will lay his life for the service of God. After two days Bro. Praveen Kumar got employed as store manager in Hotel Deccan Continental, a Five-star Hotel and the present day KIMS Hospital. Bro. Praveen Kumar fellowshipped in a church in Kukkatpally run by Rev. Ratna Manikyam. She turned out to be Bro. Praveen Kumar’s spiritual mentor by encouraging him to participate in all the Evangelical activities, thus providing a platform for the forthcoming mighty and glorious ministry. After much prayer and waiting upon the Lord, his marriage was arranged by his spiritual mentor with Sis. Sharon, a fellow believer from the same church. Though God called Bro. Praveen Kumar to full-time ministry, he responded like Jonah and stared instead an automobile business by purchasing a jeep and autorickshaw. Disobedience to God’s beacon call resulted in a financial crunch and despite Sis. Sharon being well placed in job as a nurse in South Central Railways, eking out life became an uphill task for the family. Debts consumed all the salary and hardships of life allowed Bro. Praveen Kumar to go through Jonah’s experience. Adding fuel to fire, Bro. Praveen Kumar met with an accident and fractured his leg. Realising his mistake, Bro. Praveen Kumar accepted the will of God in his life and realised God’s covenant for Him surrendering his self-esteem when he heard the voice asking “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!( Matthew 23.37)and self-will on 9th December 1999. This transformation resulted in establishment of a church in Bellampalli, with three members in the wilderness. The three-member church pastored by Pastor Praveen Kumar is now a mammoth church and people of all faiths and nationalities attend the church for healing and deliverance. Sanctified Pastor Praveen has been a blessing to many people and millions throng to the church awaiting the prophetic message by anointed servant of God. One man’s sanctification turned out to be solace to multitudes. The gifts of the Spirit are evident in healings, miracles, signs and wonders and the prophetic word in Calvary Ministries established by Pastor Praveen Ratna Kumar.

Church Details

NameCalvary Ministries (కల్వరి ప్రత్యక్షత మందిరము)
Services with TimingsSUNDAY 1ST SERVICE
07:00 AM
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
AddressCalvary Ministries
Mancherial Dist.
Telangana 504251